‘LAND BELONGS TO ITSELF’ 2021 // Artists Film
An ecopoetic, climate-based, response narrated by Lucy R. Lippard.
Filmed/Edited/Directed by Robyn Woolston
Duration: 4min 39
COP26 Climate Fringe. The Pipe Factory, Glasgow. (11/21)
As part of "Reflections on Our Warming Planet." curated by Lucinda Luvaas at:
* Lois Lambert Gallery, Santa Monica, CA (07-09/22)
* LA Artcore, Los Los Angeles (01-02/23)
* Sasse Museum of Art, formerly known as the Inland Empire Museum of Art, California (09-10/23)
* Angels Gate Cultural Center, San Pedro, CA (2025)
Premiere: Threshold X // 9th & 10th April (Online and IRL)