‘…and the River Flow On’ (2015 - 2017)
Lead Artists: Overseeing the creative direction of a 6 panel sculptural intervention into the landscape of the docks in Birkenhead, Merseyside.
Liaising with fabricators to create a series of sculptural panels (over 4.5metres in height) displaying community artworks housed within fine-art aluminium frames.
Engaging with targeted community groups to create 6 individual interior panels (back-to-back):
The Spider Project (long term abstinence programme)
Wirral MIND (mental health charity)
YMCA (tackling homelessness in Birkenhead)
Williamson Art Gallery Summer Workshops (7 - 16 yr old young people)
Lee Court (housing scheme for young people with disabilities)
Pop-up workshops situated in three of the most socially and economically challenged areas of Birkenhead
Over 500 members of the community worked on a series of workshops that began with blank 8x4ft marine-ply panels and finished with a narrative that reflects the foundation of the docks, the dock workers lives, the import and export of goods, World War 1, the future regeneration of the site and its flourishing ecological status.
The final install forms part of the Peel Holdings redevelopment of the area alongside initiating the cultural strategy for the 300 acre site.
Project Blog: http://andtheriverflowson.tumblr.com
Fabricators: Benson Signs http://www.bensonsigns.co.uk
Urban Design & masterplanning: Ian Parkinson http://www.parkinsoninc.co.uk